~ A 6th Generation Flower Farm ~

8664 360th Street – St. Joseph, MN


When Flowers Bloom

When Flowers Bloom

With illustrations by Dan Mondloch

When Flowers Bloom is a story God’s timing and God’s plan, and having patience and faith during that journey.

When Liz Fiedler and her husband, Josh, moved to his great-great grandfather’s farm, their daughter Vidalia became the 6th generation of Fiedler’s to live at Sunny Mary Meadow.

In December of 2020, Josh died unexpectedly, leaving his wife and daughter on the farm. Just one day after she buried her husband, Liz found out she was pregnant. When Flowers Bloom is a tribute to Josh, a memory for her daughters and a story about trusting God’s plan.


+ $5 s/h

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