~ A 6th Generation Flower Farm ~

8664 360th Street – St. Joseph, MN



The farm is available for rent at a fee of $50/hr.  Please have your photographer send an email to discuss date availability. We also work with photographers for mini missions and can have flowers or pumpkins/mums filled in the truck to rent in 4 hour segments.  For photographer inquiries on hosting your own mini session at the farm, please send an email. We will be working with a few area photographers to allow our customers to schedule mini sessions a few dates in September.  There will be an option with 8 spots where we fill the truck with summer flowers (including dahlias), and later in the month option where we fill the truck with pumpkins and mums.  Sign up for those will be early September, and watch our newsletter for when they will go live.

Photo credit Jessica Gall Photography