Liz from Sunny Mary Meadow is bringing bucket loads of flowers in so you can build your own bouquet while you get your morning fix. You can come any time and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time […]
I’ll bring bucket loads of flowers to Bad Habit Brewery in St. Joe. You can come any time and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time — just show up!
I’ll bring bucket loads of flowers to Back Shed Brewery in Waite Park. You can come any time and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time — just show up!
I’ll bring bucket loads of flowers at Bad Habit Brewery in St. Joe. You can come any time and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or Venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time — just show up!
WR Home Company fall line launches on Saturday August 20, and I’ll be there in the morning with my cart filled with blooms so you can build your own bouquet!
Back Shed Brewery in Waite Park will be celebrating their 1 year anniversary! I’ll have my cart there filled with blooms and you can build your own bouquet. I’ll also have books, journals, and pre-made arrangements for sale as well!
**Sold Out** -- watch for Dahlia Day to to be posted soon! Keep your pumpkin spice away for a few more weeks — we are still celebrating summer! Come out the farm and do some shopping — see ticket details for what it all includes! This is a ticketed event and we anticipate tickets sell […]
Each attendee will need a ticket. Picking recommended for under age 10 as they are only zinnia bouquets Bring a lawn chair or blanket and a picnic basket! Come any time between 6-8PM Jupiter Moon will be there with their ice cream truck!
Unfortunately we have had to cancel today’s event. I’m leaving it on here to make sure it is seen. Please email if you have questions or want to order bouquets this week. We will be adding more events for September SOON
I’ll bring bucket loads of flowers at Bad Habit Brewery in St. Joe. You can come any time and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or Venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time — just show up!
I’ll bring bucket loads of flowers to Second Street Coffee House Sartell. You can come and fill up a container with flowers grown just a few miles away. Cash or Venmo accepted. No need to sign up ahead of time — just show up!