8664 360th Street – St. Joseph, MN
Sunfest is a fun private night to enjoy all of the beauty of the farm and have some private VIP shopping with your friends.
What’s Included in your ticket:
A MASSIVE stem bar. 3-5 sunflowers per bouquet (hopefully 5 as long as they all bloom at the right time!), and 25+ stems. I’m going to do some swaps with other local flower farms to get some fun variety and offer some different things. This would be equivalent to what we sell as a $60 bouquet.
Complimentary charcuterie grazing table put together by Songbirds Kitchens
Wine Tasting from Scout & Cellar representative Tori Kramer
Music by acoustic singer Cami Baker
You can privately shop Townline Candle Company and E&Co Clothing and relax with your friends in the meadow and The Bloom Bar.