~ A 6th Generation Flower Farm ~

8664 360th Street – St. Joseph, MN


Speaking Engagements

Book Liz Fiedler

Whether she is speaking on her personal healing process of grief and the resources that helped her along the way, Liz Fiedler's experience with building a new life when the old one was shattered, her faith, or her unconventional career choices balancing entrepreneurship with motherhood, the topics all tie together a message that can transform the audience along with her.
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Prior Engagements Include:

Liz Fiedler is a highly energetic speaker with a message to share.  Although much of her life story hasn’t been easy, she promotes optimism and forcing herself to see the joy each day can bring.  She has a message of allowing yourself the grace to evolve when life changing events change the very person you are.  Even with heavy topics, she incorporates a bit of humor and her stories bring audiences on a journey of inspiration and motivation to move forward in all aspects of life. 

Whether she is speaking on her personal healing process of grief and the resources that helped her along the way, her experience with building a new life when the old one was shattered, her faith, or her unconventional career choices balancing entrepreneurship with motherhood, the topics all tie together a message that can transform the audience along with her.

7 Topics of Discussion

  • Time Doesn’t Heal, Intention Does

    You have the power to change your BINGO card.  Things are always going to happen that are out of your control, but you have the power to reshape and build your life.  We don’t rebuild our life after something earth shattering happens (like the death of a spouse, like Liz), but we build our new life based on the person we are now.  Embrace that the ‘old you’ may be gone, and that’s ok.  This talk shares how Liz went from being a full time nurse practitioner to a flower farmer and product based business coach after her husband unexpectedly passed away.

    Key topics: grief, healing, motivational speaking

  • It Could Always Be Worse

    Essentially the “BINGO” card speech with a special emphasis on the security life insurance provided.  When Liz’s husband died, it was in the heat of Covid and the death certificate took over four months to arrive. That meant she could not apply for life insurance or start any of that process.  The bills started piling up, and the stress of that debt and managing bill collectors while grieving her husband’s death is an uncomfortable but important topic.  Once she was able to receive the benefits from the policies, that benefit that they never planned on using allowed her to heal while trying to build her new life after the old one crumbled.  A Testimony To The Benefits of Life Insurance.

    Key topics: grief, healing, motivational speaking, life insurance, financial planning, estate planning

  • What’s the Worst That Can Happen?

    Most people have a voice inside their head instilling fear, stopping them from chasing their dreams. But what if we dissect that little voice and listen to it — trust your gut, but decide if it is coming from a place of wisdom or fear. After Liz’s husband died, everything seemed pretty small in comparison. She started realizing that if she compared everything to that on a scale of “worst” that can happen it was maybe a little too bold, yet most “worst case scenarios” aren’t as bad as we imagine them. Motivation to take a leap even if you can’t quite clearly see the landing.

    Key topics: confidence, risks, goal setting

  • Motherhood

    Parenting with contentionment and staying true to you.  As an entrepreneur, Liz wears many hats and doesn’t let the pressure of society’s expectations of motherhood affect her.  She parents in her own style in her own ways and confidently knows her children are living the life they need with a happy mom who knows “balance” doesn’t exist.  Tips to juggling a career and motherhood and letting go of the “mom guilt”.

    Key topics: motherhood, mom guilt, working mom, work-life balance, family-life balance

  • The Power of Holistic Healing In Grief

    Liz’s perspective as a nurse practitioner that had to take a leave of absence from work for a medical diagnosis of grief reaction after the unexpected death of her husband.  How a holistic approach to her grief helped me heal.  What she wants other healthcare providers to learn from her experience from the patient perspective.

    Key topics: grief, healthcare, nurse practitioner, mental health

  • Sitting At My Own Table

    As someone who literally cannot answer the question, “What do you do for a living?”, Liz talks about paving her way and finding her place when there isn’t always room for her at a particular table.  As a nurse practitioner, flower farmer, business coach, keynote speaker, podcast host, author, mom, remarried widow…What is her niche?  Healthcare.  Agriculture.  Entrepreneur.  Social media influencer.  Author.  Podcaster.  Speaker.  The life of an entrepreneur can be an interesting one.  Gaining confidence in yourself and not conforming to any particular mold.

    Key topics: confidence, self-love, goal setting, happiness, contentment

  • Trust In God’s Plan… Even If You Think His Plan Sucks

    Liz’s raw and real faith journey after she found out I was pregnant one day after her husband’s funeral.  Trusting even when we cannot see the bigger picture.  How it’s ok to be angry at God, because he can handle it.  Navigating grief and anger while keeping God the grounding source of my healing.  

    Key topics: grief, faith, christianity

Book Liz Fiedler Today