For all classes listed below either purchase your spot or email if you want to pre-register for one that isn’t listed on the site yet.
Build Your Own Bouquet Classes at Bad Habit Brewery:
July 14, July 28, August 11, August 18, September 1, September 15
Build Your Own Bouquet Classes at Backshed Brewery:
July 10, August 4, August 14, August 28, September 18, September 25 Purchase Your Tickets for Back Shed Events Here
Every Tuesday Evening from early July through late September I will be taking reservations for private groups of 7 or more to tour the farm and do your own private build your own bouquet class. Message me for available dates. I can accommodate up to 35 people. Bring your own food and beverages and have a picnic after picking your own private bouquet. I’ll add a calendar with available dates within the first week of June.
Every Saturday starting in July will be You-Pick starting at 9:30AM. You will reserve your ticket ahead of time and can come out and pick your own bouquet! This has been a few years in the making and I finally got all of my ducks in a row with insurance/etc. I can’t wait to share this with you all and watch you make memories at the farm! More details to come soon.
Kids Classes
July 15, July 29, August 12, August 26. These are smaller jars and less expensive ways for families to participate and get their kids out. The Saturday You-Picks will fill up quickly and each participate will be required to buy either a “picking” ticket or a “viewing” ticket. The kids classes are a way to keep expenses down for young families allow kids to get their hands dirty. Signup will be opened mid-June.
The Build Your Own Bouquet Classes will have tickets for sale starting early June to be purchased on my website. I’ll send a newsletter link when they’re first opened, so make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter.